The latest updates from PickFu

What’s new in PickFu: May 2024

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Shared by Success • May 31, 2024

We’re always obsessively trying to improve our customers’ experience as they use PickFu. Here are the latest platform updates and improvements from the past month.

Updates to help you build better polls

Even more audience targeting traits to choose from

We’ve added several new targeting traits to help you reach your ideal customer: midcore mobile gamer, console gamer, traditional TV subscription, investment frequency, interest in art.

Better experience and expanded support for auto-translation

When you’re writing a question in the poll builder, you’ll get a reminder that you can write it in your native language, no matter which country you’re targeting.

More recommendations for audience targeting best practices

The more targeting traits you add, the longer it will take to get results. We added a message in the poll builder to warn you when you might be making your audience too narrow for fast results.

Updates to help you analyze results

Improvements to respondent answer quality

We added additional verification and quality steps to make sure you get the best answers from each respondent on every poll or survey.

Upgraded our state-of-the-art AI engine

We improved the engine behind the AI Highlights features on your poll results page. Analyze your results quickly with higher-quality, more consistent AI Summary and Sentiment reports and get better “next steps” recommendations from the AI Labs chat feature.

Removed the notes tab on the poll results page

We removed the “notes” feature and tab on the poll results page due to low use and to focus on providing a better results analysis experience for our customers.

Platform design & UX improvements

Recommended traits are now easier to see

The full list of audience targeting traits in the poll builder is now collapsed by default, helping you focus on the recommended traits. The full list is just a click away, and you can also use the search box to find the traits you’re looking for.

Country selection is easier to read

The list of countries you can target is now alphabetized (except for the U.S., which will remain first). Have a request for a country to add? Let us know!

Survey questions are now easier to read and edit while you’re writing

The text box for surveys now includes multiple lines, so you don’t have to scroll horizontally to view your full question.

Have any questions, feedback, or requests? We’d love to hear from you – chat with our Customer Success team or email anytime!