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International audience panels are live

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Shared by Success • February 28, 2023

Our international audience panels are now in public beta!

Choose the target audience for your poll from four international panels: Australia, Canada, Germany, and the U.K.

Together with our U.S.-based respondent panel, this opens you up to insights from more than 15 million consumers worldwide. All it takes is one extra click in the new Poll Builder.

You’ll see the option to choose your respondent country in the Audience section of the Poll Builder.

As with our U.S.-based panel, you can target a more specific audience using the available targeting traits:

You’ll get your poll results in English, but you can toggle to view them in Chinese and now German. As always, we run all responses through several layers of verification.

Our users span the globe. It’s our goal to ensure that our platform’s research capabilities do too.

As we continue to expand our audience panels, send us your feedback on what’s working and what you’d like to see.